- St Joseph's Curriculum Intent
- Art
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- French
- Geography
- History
- Maths
- Music
- Physical Education
- Reading & Phonics Programme
- Religious Education
- Science
- Writing
- Read Write Inc Phonics
- SEND Information Report
- Link to Primary National Curriculum
- Reception - Curriculum
- Year 1 - Curriculum
- Year 2 - Curriculum
- Year 3 - Curriculum
- Year 4 - Curriculum
- Year 5 - Curriculum
- Year 6 - Curriculum
Year 6 - Curriculum
Dear Parents,
Below you will find the curriculum your child will be covering this Autumn term (2024). Not all subjects are taught each term but are covered throughout the year. As a result of this planner, you may be able to discuss the areas with your child or do research together.
Autumn Term
RE |
Literacy |
Numeracy |
Science |
PE |
Thematic Curriculum (includes: History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art, D+T and PSHE) |
Homework |
Spellings |
Year 6 Class Blog
Welcome to the Year 6 Twitter Takeover !! We hope you enjoy seeing all the great things we get up to in our school day.
17th Mar
Welcome to the Year 6 takeover ! We hope you enjoy having an insight into our week ❤️
What a great end to the week. Our first netball game. Miss Tully was so impressed with our resilience and skill. Very proud of our Year 6 girls. 🏀 #yesitsabasketball
Today in Art, we were comparing reduction and block printing. We have been inspired by William Morris. Today we began to create our own designs inspired by nature. We are calling our work ‘The Start of Spring.’
Our Prayer and Liturgy focus was Easter. We are realising our lucky we are compared to others and are fortunate to have the option to give things up for Lent ready for Easter.
We didn’t get to see you in World Book Day. So here’s an insight into what we did! We planted tomatoes ready for summer. We will keep them in our sunny classroom and water regularly. 🍅🍅🍅🍅
Our Maths focus has been plotting coordinates and translating shapes. We have challenged ourselves to use critical reasoning in our explanations.
Everyone wants to play Netball now ! It was great to see the whole class enjoying the sport. Fantastic for developing balance, agility and throwing skills.
We have enjoyed making Mother’s Day bracelets for our Mums with our buddies. Our buddies showed off their Maths skills and counted the beads - we were very impressed. We love spending time with our buddies, we treat each kindly and always help each other. 🌈🌟👩🏽🦱🧑🏼🦱🧒🏽👦🏼
Thank you for joining us ! ‘Bon Weekend’ as they say in France 🇫🇷
19th Jan
Today we have been studying the relationship between The Holy Trinity. Miss Tully was especially impressed with our presentation and effort ! 📚📝
It’s snowing in Birmingham! Can you guess who loved playing the most ? Amur of course, back in his natural habitat. 🐆❄️❤️
We worked so well in geography. We loved working in teams to create bright and beautiful posters on the Mississippi River! Did you know it is the longest in the USA?
Fantastic art work based on the Blitz for the Year 6 History topic. We have loved learning about WW2 and have just finished our class text Carrie’s War. 📚
Thank you for joining Year 6 on their Twitter takeover, see you again soon! Au revoir ! 🇫🇷 ❤️
10th Nov
This half term we have been practicing our French. Every morning we always ask each other, ‘As tu passé une bonne soirée?’
Guided Reading: acting out scenes from Harry Potter to help us with our expression in reading. Can you guess which scene this is? #philosophersstone #youreawizardharry 🧙🏼♂️
History: debating as a class. From the perspective of a person in the early 20th century, should women be allowed to vote?We linked this to our Catholic Social Teaching: Rights and Responsibilities and British Values: Individual Liberty 📝
Reading our excellent writing to Reception as a treat for our hard work! We loved sharing our versions of the Mouse Plot by Roald Dahl 📖✏️
Our favourite place in the classroom: our library. This is a calm space where we can enjoy all of our favourite books and magazines. We are about to start reading Carrie’s War. Have you read it?
We leave recommendations for books on our wall, do you have any recommendations?
WOW Active ! We had a great time keep scores for each other and Reception in different agility activities. We can use the scheme at home, have you logged on yet? 🎾⚽️🏀🏈
English: we have been loving the poem Walrus and the Carpenter. So far we have: analysed the poem’s structure, created wanted posters, created character descriptions and planned our narrative version. 🦭🧔🏽🪓 #nowalrusemoji
Hope you enjoyed our year 6 ‘Twitter takeover’. See you soon! 😀
Today we set up our altar, we have changed the cloth to green because it is ordinary time in the Catholic calendar.
We were so excited to come back together again after 6 weeks apart - we spoke about all things summer!
First RE lesson of the year was a success! We learnt about our class saint Maximillan Kolbe. He is a great role model who links to our British Values of Tolerance and Respect and Catholic Social Teaching of Human Dignity.
Today it is Our Lady Mary’s birthday, we prayed an extra Hail Mary for her together.
HM Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace.