St Joesph's Catholic Primary School Badge

St Joseph's Selly Oak

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Kings Norton, Birmingham

St Joseph's Selly Oak images

Year 1 - Curriculum

Dear Parents,

Below you will find the curriculum your child will be covering this Autumn term (2024).  Not all subjects are taught each term but are covered throughout the year. As a result of this planner, you may be able to discuss the areas with your child or do research together.

Autumn Term


  • Creation
    Sequence the story of creation, write prayers of thanks, and recall the story of our class saint, St Francis of Assisi.
  • Families and celebrations
    Talk about celebrations we have experienced, Mass as a celebration and celebrations in the life of Jesus.
  • Christmas
     Know the story of the birth of Jesus and why it is important. 


Main topics

  • Recounts
  • Character descriptions
  • Fantasy stories
  • Instructions


  • Phonics
  • Guided Reading
  • Handwriting
  • Grammar
  • Spellings

Place Value

  • Counting to 20, forwards and backwards and in multiples of 2 and 5.
  • Reading and writing numbers to 20 in numerals and words.
  • Representing numbers in different ways.

Addition and Subtraction

  • Represent and use number bonds to 20.
  • Read, write and interpret statements involving addition (+), subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs.
  • Solve one step problems involving addition and subtraction.


  • Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes.


Human Body - Senses

  • Talking about what our bodies can do and identifying different features.
  • Exploring eyes and sight, eyes and hearing, touch, taste and smell.
  • Understanding sensory impairment.


  • Identifying different types of animals and sorting and grouping them.
  • Keeping animals as pets, how to care for them and meet their needs.


Hit Catch Run

Thematic Curriculum

(includes: History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art, D+T and PSHE)

(includes: History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art, D+T and PRE) 


Spatial Sense- Our School

  • Maps
  • Aerial views
  • Locations
  • Understanding direction (North, East, South and West)


  • Discovering History
  • Clues from the past
  • Family Trees
  • Archaeology
  • Our Local History


  • Colour
  • Line 


  • Being in my world
  • Celebrating difference


  • Reading
  • Spellings
  • NumBots


Spellings are given out on a Monday and tested on a Friday.

Year 1 Class Blog

4th May

Welcome to Year 1’s takeover! Give us a like if you are joining us this afternoon.

Today during our Prayer and Liturgy, we were reflecting on our local communities and how we can support them in and outside of school.


We had SO much fun on the Reading Chair this week! We shared our favourite books with each other and had the wonderful experience of listening to Mary Middleton read our class book, ‘Danny the Champion of the World'


We have been joining Dan and Emily this week for ‘Open with Mary’ and have loved singing along with them. Give us a like if you enjoy a sing song too! #voicesofangels


We loved finding things in common with our classmates during our PRE lesson all about ‘Communities’. We reflected on how we can care for each other within our communities and help people within them.

Year 1 would like to know:
“What does being part of a community mean to you?”


Thank you for joining Year 1 for the takeover! We really love sharing what we have been up to with our followers.

2nd Mar

Welcome to Year 1’s twitter takeover! We have been super busy in school this week and can’t wait to show you what we’ve been up to

At the start of the week we began our new unit in English where we’ve been looking at ‘Stories from Other Cultures’. We are loving Handa’s Surprise! Here are some pictures of us role-playing the story


We are celebrating the season of Lent in school. This week we have been joining Dan and Emily virtually to think about how we can be more like Jesus during this special time. We especially like singing the songs!


We have been looking at the work of George Seurat this week and his use of Pointillism. We created some of our pictures using pointillism. We really enjoyed using all the bright colours.


Today we had lots of fun for World Book Day. We joined the rest of the school for an assembly, we created a whole school story and designed our own book covers! We all went to a lot of effort with our costumes and Miss Hall said we all looked great! #WorldBookDay2023 #bookworms


Thank you for joining us for our twitter takeover. Happy Thursday.



5th Jan

Welcome back to Twitter Takeover! Year 1 are excited to show you what we have been up to this week.

Earlier on this week we started our new unit on ‘Traditional Tales’ in English. We looked through some stories together to find some key features of this genre.


On Tuesday, we changed our altar cloth in the classroom as we are now learning all about the season of Christmas in school. We have really enjoyed writing about the Christmas Story today too! 🎄


In Maths, we are studying ‘Place Value to 20’. We have been looking at understanding 10 to help us with our numbers to 20. In our Mastering Number sessions, we have been using splitting and combining to help us with our numbers to 20 too!🧮📚


We also had our first trip down to Woodland Adventure! We really enjoyed roaming around and working together to tick off our scavenger hunt list! We thought about ways to care for our local environment and we agreed to make some nests. #naturelovers 🍂🪵🦆


Thank you for joining us for our takeover! We hope you enjoyed seeing what we have been up to.



Happy Thursday, welcome to Year 1’s Twitter takeover! We hope you enjoy seeing what we’ve been getting up to.

We were very lucky to have two year 6 children pop into year 1 this afternoon. They came to share their stories about The Hobbit which linked in with our current unit on fantasy stories.

We have loved learning about our class saint, St Francis of Assisi. Check out the photos of us role playing the life of St Francis!

This half term we have been celebrating the season of creation. We loved learning the ‘Laudato Si’ song and linked this to the Catholic Social Teachings of care for creation and common good.

We have been studying fantasy stories in English and are really enjoying the story ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. We love using actions to retell stories.

Thank you for joining us for our Year 1 twitter takeover!